20 Easiest Ways to Save Money and Go Around the World

They say money makes the world go around, and it is also money that can make you go around the world. Indeed, you will need a huge amount of money to go across the globe. But, with the right money management, you will surely have the funds you need. Saving money is no easy feat, but with the right mindset, lifestyle adjustment, and of course, with the help of these tips, you will surely achieve your financial goals.

Sure, you don’t have to follow everything we say. You just have to pick one that will suit you, so saving money can be part of your lifestyle. So, here are the twenty easiest ways that you can save money and go around the world.

1. Make Saving Money your Goal

Making a plan is easier when you know your goal. The same thing works with saving money. If you know what you want to achieve and the time you should get it, your goal will be trouble-free. You only have to do a little research about the amount you need, so you can set your financial goals and know how long you will do it.

2. Write Your Desire Goal and Let It be Your Inspiration

When you finally set your goal, you can write it down and place it somewhere you can often see. Let this be your inspiration so that you can stick to your plan to save money. You can stick it on your wall, put in on your table, your planner, or notes. When you always get reminded of your target, it will be instilled in your brain that you will start religiously doing it.

3. Set an Everyday Budget

When you’re trying to save money, you should set a daily budget and stick to it. You should write down all your expenses for a month, from the necessities to bills, food, insurance, and other payments. You can even include simple pleasures, like eating out or movie tickets. Add all the costs and divide it by the number of the month. You’ll get your daily budget, and you have to try hard to stick to it.

4. Track Your Expenses

After you set your daily budget, you should track all your expenses – even the little ones. Little costs add up, and you’ll be surprised you already spent a lot of money on it. But, when you track your expenses, you’ll be more cautious about what you’re buying.

5. Know your Priority

When you’re trying to save money, you should know your priority. Keep in mind that you can’t have luxurious stuff and other pleasures if you have a modest income. Although you can indulge once in a while to treat yourself, you can’t do it often and not everything. So, you have to know what matters and where your money should go.

6. Consider Things

When you’re tempted to buy something, you should consider its cost and what this amount can buy when you travel. Imagine a $40 dress can also already secure you a night in a hotel or a complete meal for a day. If you do this, buying a dress becomes less appealing, and you’ll end up saving that $40 to your investment money for traveling.

7. Know your Monthly Bills

Sure, you have monthly bills to pay, e.g., electricity, credit cards, insurance, loans, and so on. But, aside from this, what else are you paying monthly? Do you really have to have a subscription to different things? You should know your monthly bills and think if you really have to have it.

8. Live in Balance

It’s okay to spend a little extra while saving money. It will be the balance that will not make you feel deprived when you’re trying hard to save. However, you still have to be cautious. If you spend on eating and drinking a little, try to pass buying those new shoes. You’ll eventually get used to it, putting some balance on your savings.

9. Live Below your Means

You may often hear the words “live within your means,” but if you’re saving money, you should live below your means. The unspent cash can add up to your investment so that you can avoid cash loans when you plan to travel the world. Although you know you can afford the expensive stuff, you should try living like you have less money to have more savings.

10. Avoid Buying “Little Things”

Those little things may only cost a few dollars, but if you do it often, it suddenly adds up. Imagine that $3 coffee that you splurge on almost every day will cost you $21 a week or $84 a month. That is already a huge amount of money that could go up to your savings.

11. Avoid Eating Out

Did you know cooking your own meals and avoiding eating out is the best way to save money? If you don’t know how to cook, you can easily learn on YouTube, which seems to offer online classes about learning new things. It is not only more economical, but it is also healthier to eat home-cooked meals.

12. Don’t Follow the Trend

Your phone may be outdated, but you don’t have to follow the trend. Commercialism has an effective way to lure you and upgrade your stuff, but you should never give in and stick to what you have – as long as it’s working and still serving you. In an instance that it is already broken, it is only the best time to invest in new stuff.

13. Learn to Fix Things

If one of your stuff got broken, you should learn to fix it up. When you can still work on a remedy, you should do so. It is cheaper than buying a new one.

14. Be a Wise Shopper

You can be a wise shopper by hunting the best buys, buy in bulk, take advantage of the special offers, great deals, and free coupons. You’ll be surprised how much money you can save by doing these things.

15. Look for Free/Affordable Activities

Even though you’re saving money, you can still enjoy a lot of activities, and there are some for free. You can visit a free museum, go on a picnic, cook your own meal, and the list goes on. Your imagination is your only limitation; you just have to be creative.

16. D.I.Y.

Learn how to McGyver everything. There are a lot of online classes that offer free D.I.Y. videos. You can even fix things on your own by just watching tutorial clips. Without shelling out cash to fix your broken stuff or have someone does it, you can save a huge amount of money that can add up to your savings.

17. Keep your Bonus

If you get a bonus or additional money from nowhere, you should keep it, add it to your investment or savings, and don’t spend it mindlessly. Often, people tend to spend their extra cash to splurge on food, shopping, and other leisure. You should try to avoid these things and keep your money.

18. Get a Sideline

They say wealthy people don’t only have one source of income. So, if they can do it, why don’t you. You should look for a sideline that you can do along with your regular job. Although your main goal is only to save money, this will be a big help to reach your goal.

19. Find Other Ways to Earn

Aside from getting a sideline, there are also other ways to earn money. You can use money-saving apps to help you save more money. You can try a garage sale. Sell the still good stuff that you’re not using. You can turn these things into cash and add to your savings.

20. Teach English

Lastly, you can teach English, whether online or face-to-face. There are now online classes where you can teach English while your student is in another side of the world. You can also go overseas and enjoy the opportunity to live in another country. This job is now in demand and is even considered lucrative for its high salary.

Based on Materials from Two Wandering Soles
Photo Sources: Porapak Apichodilok, Pixabay, Helena Lopes
